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Ningxin Zhang's accepted paper at the 6th International Csound Conference:



Using a Waveguide to Model the Pipa in Csound


Csound offers a huge set of tools for composers and sound designers. The author is a sound designer, electroacoustic composer, and classically-trained pipa player who was especially inspired by the sound of a number of Csound’s waveguide opcodes, and many of the physically modeled Csound instruments. Immediately, the author used them in an attempt to imitate the sound of the pipa. However, the result was quite different from the acoustic pipa tone and thus led to the research presented in this paper. What is shown here is how, in order to simulate a more convincing pipa, the author needed to follow physical modeling practice, and hand code the filters mathematically.


Keywords: Csound, Pipa, Waveguide, Extended Karplus-Strong

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